Group walking down a hill together smiling and laughing

Latest news

All the latest news and updates from Mates4Mates.

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Keeping Connected this Veterans’ Health Week

Veterans’ Health Week is a Department of Veterans’ Affairs initiative that is held annually in October and aims to raise awareness and improve the mental and physical health of current and ex-serving Defence Force members.


Explaining moral injury

Moral injury is the psychological and emotional distress that occurs when our core values are betrayed. This can include actions that may be contrary to what we consider fair or just.


Walking around Australia for veterans

Garth Murray is a local Townsville veteran who has been accessing Mates4Mates services since he was medically discharged in 2017. Now, Garth wants to give back to support other veterans and family members.


Supporting our diversity and belonging journey with ISS

Mates4Mates is excited to announce a partnership with ISS to support our diversity and belonging journey.


Build meaningful connections through mindfulness

Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts and feelings while remaining aware of the present moment. This mental practice can play an important role in building more meaningful social connections with those around us.


A message from our CEO on the Royal Commission

Today the Final Report for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide has been delivered to the Australian Government and has been tabled with Parliament.