DVA Mental Health and Wellbeing Experience Survey

17 March 2023

Mates4Mates is encouraging veterans and their family members to contribute to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Service Experience Survey.

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is looking to better understand how they provide support to current and former Australian Defence Force members and families through a range of services.

This feedback will then be used by DVA to better understand how they can meet the future support needs of Australian veterans and families by developing a future model for mental health and wellbeing service delivery.

To ensure Australian veterans and families have a voice in the development of the future model; DVA is conducting a survey, individual interviews, and co-design activities.

About the survey

The survey focuses specifically on the experiences of veterans and families who have used any of the following services:

  • Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling (Open Arms) services – including 24/7 telephone support, counselling (in-centre and outreach), group programs, care coordination, peer support, mental health and suicide prevention training, and online self-help resources.
  • DVA Coordinated Client Support Case Coordination – including Triage and Connect services; Wellbeing and Support Program (WASP); Case Management; Service Coordination; Disability Support Pathway, and Veteran Support Officer program.
  • DVA Community Support Advisor services.
  • DVA-funded mental health and wellbeing support programs – including the Community Support Advisor services, Men’s Health Peer Education Program, and Trauma Recovery Program.

The survey will ask general questions about you, your experiences using DVA mental health and wellbeing support services, and your suggestions and ideas for improving their services and service delivery.

Please note, you will not be required to provide your name or any specific information that identifies you. 

The survey will close at midnight AEDT on 31 March 2023.

Who can participate?

The survey is open to those who are aged 18 years or older, are currently using or have used any of the following services listed above, and are from either or both the following groups:

  • current and former serving ADF members with any length and type of service, including Reservists with continuous full-time service or hazardous service; and 
  • family members of living and deceased ADF veterans, including spouses/partners, ex-partners, widows/ers, adult children, parents, and siblings of current and former serving veterans.

How to participate

If you meet the eligibility criteria above, and are interested in participating in the survey, please click here to access the survey link on the DVA website.

If you require support, please contact Open Arms on 1800 011 046 or Lifeline on 13 11 14 (24 hours). If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 000 immediately. 

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